Monday, February 20, 2012

Crane 1 Gallon Cool Mist Humidifier

Having a cool mist humidifier in a baby or kid’s bedroom during the winter is a must-have for many.  Adding moisture to the air can help with dry skin, and chest and nasal congestion that are frequent during the winter months. We went through several different brands and models before deciding to go with the Crane Cool Mist Humidifier.  Some of the others we tried didn’t last a full season and one leaked water all over our hardwood flooring.  Honestly, we thought that the Crane’s were so cute with their variety of different animal shapes and colors that they couldn’t possibly work well, but we were wrong.  They not only work well, they’re quiet, they’ve lasted several years, and they’re easy to clean.  I have to admit, I’m a bit lazy about cleaning it out when it’s not in use (don’t judge me), only to find that when I do need to use it again the water has gone stale and there’s some weird orange algae growing in it. This can be a problem with some brands, but the Crane is so easy to take apart and actually thoroughly clean with distilled vinegar and a small amount of bleach.  The one downside is that the demineralization filter cartridges are a bit expensive (about $10), but they last 1-2 months and they’re easy to find at Target or other stores that sell the humidifier.  The humidifier will work without the demineralization filter, but we found that it does prevent a film white dust from forming on the furniture near where the humidifier sits. The humidifiers retail for about $40. All in all, it’s a great product . . . BCuzWeSaidSo.